The Initial Consultation

The first step for a prospective client is to meet or teleconference with Bonsignore Trial Lawyers attorneys and support staff. During this initial consultation, we will listen carefully to what you have to say and often ask very specific questions. We will also give you a straight and unfiltered opinion of what we see as your claims and your chances of success, and what it will take to recover. At a minimum we will also confidentially explain the litigation in focus and how it impacts you. Following the call we remain available 24/7 to respond to any follow up questions you may have and to assist your staff in any way they desire.

During the initial consultation, relevant facts about your particular circumstances give our attorneys the information they need to discuss your relationship to the basis for a lawsuit and chances of a successful civil action in court. We will also go over the time required of you and the logistics of business litigation. Bonsignore Trial Lawyers understand you are not in the business of litigation and we pride ourselves on minimizing the time you must spend on litigation related matters. Bonsignore Trial Lawyers also takes great pride in our policy of going out of our way for our clients. Once you are a Bonsignore client, we will review any legal matter that involves you, your business or your employees free of charge. If we cannot solve your related issue, we will direct you to several law firms who we believe can and also provide our general opinion and the plusses and minuses of each recommendation.

There is no need to make any decisions at initial consultation. We understand that you may need to discuss the options and decide what the best route is to achieve your goals.

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